Corporate Governance and Compliance

Corporate governance and success

AIM Capital follows and implements the highest levels of corporate governance that are key components of our success.

Ownership Structure

Compliance Framework

AIM Capital as a European holding company operating worldwide, including the EU, the USA, Switzerland and other countries, is committed to fostering and maintaining a culture of ethics and compliance based on five key compliance pillars: Strict Sanctions Compliance, Comprehensive Third Party Due Diligence, Integrity, Tone at The Top and Speak up.

Living these pillars means, above all, conducting our business activities in accordance with the letter and spirit of applicable laws, regulations and policies, and reflecting our commitment to making decisions that instil a sense of purpose and pride in AIM Capital.

  • AIM Capital and its subsidiaries comply with all applicable international, regional and national export control laws, sanctions, restrictive measures programs and embargoes.

  • Strict control over financial flows is executed to identify and block any funds or economic resources being potentially available directly or indirectly to the individuals subject to the applicable sanctions.
  • AIM Capital acts responsibly while selecting Third Parties, and requests and reasonably expects compliance with high standards from its Third Parties.
  • Thorough Due Diligence is properly performed to identify, mitigate and potentially avoid compliance risks.
  • AIM Capital aspires to nothing less than holding accountable to the highest ethical standards, while maintaining its business and non-business activities.
  • Independent rigorous compliance function designed to assess AIM Capital’s compliance framework and mitigate significant issues and compliance risks.
  • Top-level management established and supports the right tone to fortify AIM Capital’s reputation and ethical climate.
  • Reputable top-level management have made repeated undertakings to represent and warrant that they shall act in compliance with applicable sanctions legislation.
  • Employees and interested Third Parties are required to promptly escalate existing or potential violations of our core values, any law, regulation, policy or ethics to Compliance Hotline: AIM Capital guarantees confidentiality.
  • Our policies prohibit retaliation. Employees or Third Parties will not suffer adverse consequences or retaliation for:
    a. refusing to do something that violates our core values, any law, regulation, policy even if this refusal results in the loss of business to AIM Capital.
    b. Raising a concern about potential misconduct in good faith.
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